
The Old Shirburnian Society has, for several years, offered practical advice and help to a growing number of young OS as they leave School and university. We meet with them and discuss their career aims, help them improve their CV and put them in contact with other OS who may be able to offer them advice, direction or work experience.  The reaction of OS to requests is amazing, something we are immensely grateful for, and we really want to continue this for OS in the future.    The idea is that Shirburnians would be able to draw on OSS resources and the goodwill of OS from the point of leaving School onwards, through undergraduate and post graduate days, mid-life career changes and even later-in-life career down-shifts.

The service has been greatly enhanced sine we launched our networking platform Sherborne Connect which allows OS to network with over 2,200 OS , parents and Sherborne International Alumni worldwide in a vast variety of professions.

Helping the School

We always welcome the help OS can give our current pupils by completing and returning the Careers Department’s questionnaires, meeting with staff and pupils on visits to their campus or company, or attending School based events such as the annual L6 Careers Convention and HE Forum.

OS Graduate Evenings

A recently launched initiative is our OS Graduate Evening when recent OS  can receive constructive advice on improving CVs, career management, interview skills and  key workplace skills.  Feedback received from those attending has been immensely positive.

OSS Professional Events

The OSS hosts a series of events each year for those OS working in sectors such as Media, Property, Law the City and others.  If we do not already hold an event in your sector of business, please do not hesitate to contact us and I am sure we will be able to arrange something.

How to get involved:  We are looking for OS who are willing to share their experiences of professional life to help other OS and present pupils.

If you are interested in volunteering for any of the above schemes or if you are looking for careers advice / work experience please join Sherborne Connect.

For further information please Contact Us.

Mentor Form